I don't imagine this comes to anyone's surprise. When your whole existence boils down to one night with the sole objective of delivering a whole load of shit into houses for little to no pay and barely any thanks, only to look forward to another year of endless wishlists and angry letters.
Santa has finally taken control of his own life and has unofficially cancelled Christmas, let someone else take the reins for a change.
Nowadays, you'll find him slumped over on a bench after last night's bender, sweating out the heat and booze under layers of festering clothes; or punching the bartender for refusing him service. Don't mess with Santa, he literally has nothing to lose.
Comprised of aluminum wire wrapped in layers of quilt padding, his form can be manipulated into position. His head is handsculpted from polymer clay and coated in acrylics. Matted wool hair and a costume made form old santa hats, antique buttons and a repurposed belt. Shoes and gloves of old leather. Accessorized with his own bottle of booze and cigar both of which can be attached and removed by magnets, and a poster from the first Christmas he bailed on.
I can't say I'd be friends with him, but I certainly admire him. From afar though, he's pretty ripe. Just FYI.
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